When you suffer from persistent joint and back pain, that constant discomfort can negatively affect your posture. You may find yourself slumping or favoring one side over the other in an effort to ease pain. Over time, this can actually worsen conditions such as hyperkyphosis. When you visit a chiropractor for routine adjustments, he or she will also typically recommend a variety of stretches to help you keep your muscles more limber and less tense.…
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Chiropractors, such as at Back & Neck Pain Center, are best known for their ability to address back pain, but they can also address a number of other issues like allergies, immunity deficiencies, and digestive ailments. How can adjusting the back accomplish this? It all lies in the details of a condition known as subluxations. Read on to learn more about what subluxations are, how they affect the body, and why alleviating them can have such profound effects on health.…
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Lower back pain can be excruciating, and many people find relief using opioids. Unfortunately, this group of pain relief medications can be severely addictive. Before you decide on using these drugs, you need to consider alternatives to these strong pain killers. The following are only a few of the things you can try that may help relieve your lower back pain.
Lose weight
When you are carrying extra weight, it can affect the pain in your lower back.…
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