Getting a massage is about so much more than being pampered. Studies are continuing to show that massage therapy provides a host of health benefits beyond just feeling good. It helps by reducing stress, headaches, anxiety and even insomnia, according to the Mayo Clinic. Did you know it can also lower blood pressure?
A study published in the International Journal of Preventative Medicine looked at 50 women with prehypertension, a state of slightly elevated blood pressure.…
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It’s very important that you receive chiropractic care if you have been in a car accident. Back and neck injuries, including whiplash, are some of the most common car-accident injuries. Since chiropractors have specialized training in treating these parts of the body, you might call a chiropractor after you get off the phone with your car-insurance company.
Why It’s Important to See a Chiropractor
Following a car accident some of the most common symptoms of a back or neck injury include:…
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A chiropractor is one of the best healthcare professionals that you can have at your disposal, mostly because chiropractic adjustments to your spine and neck can have far-reaching benefits for various aspects of your life. Listed below are three benefits provided by seeing a chiropractor regularly.
Improved Sleep
One of the biggest benefits provided by a chiropractor is that they can help you achieve a better night’s sleep. The reason for this is that individuals with spinal issues due to misaligned vertebrae will often toss and turn all night because it is difficult to get comfortable, which also prevents you from slipping into the deep and most restful sleep phase.…
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